We are pleased to announce that Cardikarst member Vanessa Johnston, and her colleagues, have recently published an article “Hydrogeochemical data from carbonate springs as an aid for delimiting catchment areas in the Rovte region, Central Slovenia” in the Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies. The article investigates how spring water geochemistry and geological mapping can be used together to refine the catchment areas for fluviokarst springs; for which classical methods for catchment area delimitation that are based solely on topography were found to be inaccurate in karst regions. As part of the Cardikarst project, Vanessa is also analyzing the geochemistry of waters from the caves and associated springs of the Postojna-Planina caves system (Slovenia), whereby the recently published data can be compared with the Cardikarst data to gain a wider understanding of karst water geochemistry and interactions with CO2 across Slovenia and Croatia.
Access the article at the link https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrh.2024.102087